BAD wargames is 30 years old

Hi Simon,
I can’t think anyone would get past the first morale test in WRG rules now, we are lazy buggers and loving it.
I penned a few words which might not count as liable:

BAD Wargamers are 30
In a century long ago, in a forgotten decade there was a war gaming desert in the middle of England. Bright oases existed in far flung reaches like Loughborough and Derby, but none in the actual centre of the war gaming universe which everyone knows is Burton and District.

It was September 1984 and following a trail of hopeful adverts aspiring gamers arrived at an inaugural meeting of the then nameless club (Michael Jackson had not yet written a song about us). From the first few minutes it was obvious this would not be a “formal” club. The treasurer was elected to pay for the club and a secretary to run the club but it was decided no chairman was needed as he would just think he ran the club.
Club rules were simple and consisted of the previous sentence.
Actually we even managed to break that one.
Since those early stirrings the club has gone from strength to strength and is expected to hit rock bottom shortly.
Whilst club games, rules, scales, scenery and faces have come and, sadly, gone, there has been one constant over the entire thirty years – the BAD club members try to welcome all except bankers.
I for one am looking forward to BADCON 2015, the annual weekend competition cum show cum competition. This is a shining example of how to not try too hard and still succeed anyway.
Hopefully during this anniversary year we will hold a celebration days gaming, possibly even retro-gaming if any rules can be found.
Have you noticed how war gamers heads are all becoming two-tone, grey and/or flesh and giving quite a distinctive touch I feel.
Errata:- apparently they do even welcome bankers, our first treasurer was one you know. Wonder where he is now.


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