Wargames Club was an instant success

published Burton Mail 12/9/15!

WAR was declared in Burton in August 1984.

But don’t panic as the battlefield was confined to a room in the town’s Albion Hotel and the only real casualties were the model soldiers crushed underfoot as the armchair generals re-fought campaigns of the past.

Armed with hundreds and thousands of miniature troops, the club members used dice and a strict set of rules to move their armies around the model terrain.

The battles of the Wargames Club re-enacted conflicts ranging from Greek Roman and Mediaeval battles through to 20th century ones.


The club gave military buffs the chance to step into the shoes of past leaders such as Napoleon or Wellington and re-fight Waterloo.

The club held its first meeting in August and was organised by Andrew Smith and Philip Murfin.


At the first meeting, 15 people turned up to take part in two battles – one between the Ancient Japanese and the Vikings while the Turkish tackled the English Civil War Royalists in the second.

Joint organiser Philip Murfin said: “It went very well for the first time and it went better than anyone had expected. Everyone seemed to have a good time.”

Mr Smith explained how four people had brought their miniature armies to the first meeting and everyone was involved in fighting the battles.

Read more: http://www.burtonmail.co.uk/Wargames-Club-instant-success/story-27780274-detail/story.html#ixzz3m2T76T00
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