Breaking the Hindenberg Line by the 46th (North Midland) Division September 1918


In response to Andy Dumelow’s initiative “Marking 11/11/11”,

‘The publication of the IWM volume on 1918, complete with jacket cover depicting the 137 Brigade on the banks of the St Quentin canal , has firmly placed in the reading public’s mind the 46th Division’s breaking of the Hindenburg Line as the epitome of the revival of British Arms at the end of the war. It also provides a central plank in the revisionist arguments in favour of a “learning curve”. As Brian Bond has argued, the “learning curve” has become an orthodoxy for military historians whilst public perceptions remain fixed on the Somme. The breaking of the Hindenburg Line is important to revisionists because, unlike at Amiens, the key breakthrough was achieved by an ordinary English “county” division not one of the elite formations, such as the Canadian Corps, that had spearheaded the assault of 8 August.’ #

We have an opportunity to recognise this important contribution by units local to the catchment area of our club; 137 Brigade North & South Staffs, 138 Brigade Lincs & Leics & 139th Brigade Sherwood Foresters.  I am prepared both to sort out a Square Bashing scenario and to put together suitable memorial words, including a note on this local division at the Eleventh Hour.

As to timing, we have at least two choices:
1) To re-enact the SB scenario on club night Thu 27th September 2018.
2) To re-enact a larger /longer scenario on Sat 10th November, subject to room availability.
Either way I propose that some of us at least attend the Stretton War Memorial; if on a Thursday perhaps just before the start of club night.

Responses, commitment & ideas please.

# [Simon Peaple, Mud, Blood & Determination: The History of the 46th (North Midland) Division in the Great War. 2015 p146]


Square Bashing The Battle of Amiens

Proposal for BAD game Thu 9th August 2018
The Battle of Amiens, which began on 8 August 1918, was the opening phase of the Allied offensive later known as the Hundred Days Offensive that ultimately led to the end of the First World War.

I propose that we mark this by utilising Scenario 4 on the back page 64 of the Square Bashing Army List Book.

If you are interested in taking part and/ or can provide relevant figures then please let me know ASAP with details and composition of your LW British & German armies. Depending on this response we will run 1, 2 or 3 tables of the Peter Pig scenario exactly as written played side by side.
