Tom Hanks had it easy

On June 4th  the club replayed the DDay landings  using the Memoir 44 expansions . Wayne and Lynette  provided all the maps some 14 feet long , laminated playing aids and explained all the chrome covering reinforcements, special artillery effects and specialist troops. Thanks for all their hard work

We had players for each beach and the airborne landings. it was a great day played in a friendly spirit.


The landings.

Being a masochist I played Omaha and got a very warm receptions from the dug in Germans on the cliffs, further enhanced by them drawing 2 firefight cards which increased their shooting.  The survivors regrouped and combat engineers landed to clear the cliffs supported by barrage cards which suppressedthe most heavily defended positions and the 88mm nests.

The game was a narrow victory for the allies  and was the most enjoyable large game I have played in a long time.



Action shots

3 thoughts on “Tom Hanks had it easy”

  1. I’d like to take what Pete has already said about the D day game and add to it. I think it was fantastic, the sheer scale of the layout and the time and money that Wayne and Lynette put into the day is unprecedented and I would have to put into my top 3 favourite 1 day games in my time at the club.
    Bravo and well done to the good guys, ie the Allies.

  2. Well done Wayne and Lynette. Looks like a great visually attractive game. Sorry to have missed it. However not committing that day to my 34th wedding anniversary would have been a bridge too far!

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