The Treasurer
Lynnette reported that we had operated at a surplus for the year (figures available offline)
The Chairman
Dene had nothing to report.
The Secretary
Colin had nothing to report other than he would not be standing in 2017.
Election of officers.
Dene and Lynnette both offered to stand again, there being no objections they were elected as Chairman and Treasurer for 2017. Dene proposed Simon Clarke for secretary, this was seconded by Simon G and passed unanimously.
Display games
It was decided to put on display games at Alumwell 12th March, Newark 21st May and Derby no date yet. Simon will contact host clubs to book a table.
One Day Games
It was decided to continue having one day games. No dates were set. Everyone is invited to put forward ideas/dates when they have them.
Expenditure for 2017.
We intend to buy more terrain etc. A lake, MDF buildings for Team Yankee, 28mm Roman Villa. More mats, 4×4 for Warmachine, 4×3 cratered for later WW1, seascape for naval battles.
All subs and fees
will stay the same.
Yearly £12. Nightly £2 juniors £1
Non members Nightly £3 juniors £1.50
Jason will arrange another archery night, probably 4th July.
The date of the 2017 AGM will be properly advertised. Probably 21.12.17