Squarebashing day – 26th Nov


So I’m looking for volunteers to participate in a big game of Squarebashing. Simon G, Pete G, Dene have already put their names forward. Is this date OK guys? We need either 6 or 8 players , so hopefully either 12′ or 16′ of WW1 Squarebashing.

Nominally this will be based on the Anglo/French attacking in the Third Battle of Artois (sept 1915 – close to our 100th anniversary date)

So the British First army (60k) , French Tenth Army (48K) vs German Sixth army (50K).

We could either play ‘regular’ for attack /defense and go through the countdown to battle.

3 thoughts on “Squarebashing day – 26th Nov”

  1. I’m also up for this either day that weekend but be mindful that Sun 6th clashes with Wargamer at Halesowen

  2. Hi, we can’t get the room for 21st/22nd of Nov… so how is everyone fixed for the 12/13 Dec?

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