Squarebashing 2022 – RCW

Squarebashing RCW is to be 29th Oct 2022, at Battlefieldhobbies in Daventry.

Any 620pt list dated 1919-1921

Any questions can be raised to me at Simon@rocketsix.co.uk or via the RFCM forum

Tickets: £12.50 including lunch


Can you please purchase tickets promptly , just so the venue has an idea on the lunch requirements.

Date: 29th Oct 2022

Location: note – new location
South March,
NN11 4PH

Event Schedule
09.00-09.25 – Players arrive, welcome.
09:30-12.30 – Games One.
12.30-13:30 – Buffet lunch supplied.
13.30-16.30 – Game Two

Permitted lists

32. British Revolution right wing army 1919
34. German Freikorps 1918-19
43. RCW White Army
44. RCW Semenov (white) railway army
45. RCW Archangel Field Force 1918-19

31. British Revolution Left wing Army 1919
33. German Spartakist1918-19
40. Russian Red Army Early RCW
41. RCW Budenny’s cavalry army 1918-20
42. RCW Red Shock Army 1918-20

39. Cossack Host 1900-22
46. RCW Ukrainian peasant army 1918-20
47. Polish Army 1919-1922
51. Chinese Warlord Army 1911-27

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