Ray’s Occasional History Radio & TV Picks. No.2017/05

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  • #2670
    Ray Boyles

    Eight Days that Made Rome. Channel 5, Fri 27 Oct 2017, 9.00 – 10.00pm
    Bettany Hughes recalls eight pivotal days that defined the Roman Empire and its establishment as the world’s first superpower. She begins in 202 BC, the year Scipio won a decisive victory against Hannibal in the battle of Zama, a victory that did much to establish Roman power.

    The Balfour Declaration: Britain’s Promise To The Holy Land
    BBC Two, Tues 31 Oct 2017, 9.00 – 10.00pm

    A programme to mark the legacy of the Balfour Declaration, the first time the British government endorsed the establishment of ‘a national home for the Jewish people’ in Palestine. BBC reporter Jane Corbin has watched the declaration’s legacy unfold over the last 30 years, charting conflict on both sides. She also shares her personal connection to the history; one of her own ancestors, Leo Amery, a British politician and cabinet minister, played a key part in drafting the original declaration.

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