Here are the results and final standings after round 2
Crack on with round 3 games please gents
I’ve added pictures of my Cephalyx force
to the gallery
We took a trip up the road to Lenton to Warhammer world, this was Logan’s first visit, and it was my birthday too.
They are putting new tram lines in and actually when they are finished getting to Warhammer World will be a breeze as the tram goes right outside to the railway station. You can read all about it here –
Welcome the inaugural BAD Wargamers Warmahordes League.
The scenarios are using the steamroller 2014 pack, as below.
The Scoring is
Game size from battle box up to 50pts by mutual agreement
I also suggest that to get new players interested new players will score double the points for the games they play! SO come on join the Warmahordes party
The competitors are –
There will be 7 rounds, and the first round draw is … drum roll please
So, can you please contact your opponent and play the game. Then let me know the result. I don’t really want to set a timeout for games to be played, but shall we say round round 1 to be complete by April 30th. If sooner I can publish results and the next round!