I have to admit I was a bit overwhelmed by Salute this year and as such my photo snapping was short and random, there seemed to be hundreds of folks with camera phones so I’m sure there will be more comprehensive pictures.
Some views –
- There seemed to be large (and I mean large) expenditure. If this is a barometer of recession then surely it must be over.
- Very young crowd. A lot of young folks
- Very diverse ethnicity of attendants
- 50M queue for Forgeworld within the show!!
- Historical games probably a minority now. Fantasy skirmish being de jour.
I thought it was a very healthy show. But a bit much for me
The crowd was absolutely massive this year. The highlight being a bit of mob rule where it seems that everyone in the snaking entry queue just seemed to make a mad surgery towards the entrance
Some Warlord game previews
Terminator preview
Spartan games
Hawk wargame flagship
Battlestar galatica