Wargames Weekend
22ND & 23RD February 2014
The Town Hall
Burton upon Trent
DE14 2EB
A great weekend in a large well lit venue with good food and bar, free parking, a prize draw for early entrants and a small selection of traders.
This year we offer the following choice of competitions.
DBMM Doubles, 500 points any book 501—1074AD.
Field Of Glory Ancients Doubles 900 points any book 501—1149AD.
Field Of Glory Renaissance Doubles, 900 points any book, 1630-1698AD
Each competition £25.00 per team
Entries to dgreen@green2004.fslife.co.uk
Or post to,
Dene Green
19 Rosecroft Gardens
DE11 9AF
Also see our website at http://www.badwargamers.com
Please make cheques payable to “Burton and District DBM”
Please include your email address as this is the easiest and quickest way for us to contact you if there are any queries about lists etc.
FOG Ancients will use version 2 of the rules.