GOOD results for BAD players – FoGR Godendag, Cardiff 2018

Three BAD players take two of top three places in FoGR at Godendag 2018 in Cardiff. Congratulations to Lynette for inflicting a big defeat (Ben’s only loss) in the final round. Also for being the only player to beat me!

1) Ben (Oxford) – Japanese
2) Lynette – Japanese
3=) Simon Green – Dutch Colonial ( defeated Ian in first game)
3=) Ian Wilson – Japanese

More photos in the media section.


Hordes of the Things

New army defeat inevitable. Having raised an evil Drukhari force  I was keen to see it action Facing a Tyranid horde my plan was to stay mobile as all vehicles can leave combat and shoot  and as they open topped all the infantry on board  can shoot as well. First turn went well I killed 2 Carnifexes and 10 aunts at distance. Surely I was far enough away to avoid a first turn charge? 

Alas Hive fleet Kraken  has  some tricksy moves  and can move run charge  In  addition a Trygon with gene stealers  in tow arrived  within 9 ins of left flank. The Trygon charged and destroyed  one of my raiders.

The rest of the games involved me trying to manoeuvre and shoot  the Tyranid hordes.I destroyed the Trygon and  two the gene stealer groups but at the cost of most of my vehicles and being pinned backed I was far behind on victory points. The large numbers of Nids made it difficult to target his leader Broodlords  his large group of Zoanthropes in the back field who took down my Razorwing fighter

Leesons learnt I should covered my flanks  with units to print the Trygon strike and  thrown out the Reaver bikes to block the alpha strike charges.

also this hive fleet can leave combat and charge which makes them a handful.

Knife to a gunfight 40K Tournament Titan Games

Entered the one day tournament at our local FLGS. I bought  Black Templars  configured for close combat in 2 Land Raises with some terminators 2 Heroes and and an anti tank Predator. Id did not go well

Lose in 2 Turns to a Newbie using Ultramarine massed plasma  and R Guilliman

Mistakes were made I let him deploy in the craters  so he got a better save but I had line of sight. The hellblaster plasma made short work of my armour My ruminators failed their charges with re -rolls  and his rep sticking reverse tied me up in knots Conceded in 2 turns

Game 2  Adeptus Custodes

These are the Emperors elite enforcers  Hi toughness 2 + save 4+ invulnerable . Began well, dented these  splendid chaps with Lascannon fire . Heeded  the shop owners advice to get stuck in. Unfortunately  the terminators failed the charge again and I misplayed the stratagems and allowed the combat sequence to be interrupted. Lasted to the end of playing time but lost 12-5 on points

Last Game Bottom Feeders

Great match up Opponent playing Astra Militarum  2 super heavy tanks five Leman Russ and open table  with no over on infantry. Over before it began really. He destroyed  one of my Landraiders on turn one  and severely damaged the other . I  deep struck the Terminators and using the attack twice stratagem destroyed one of the super heavy  tanks Hurrah !  Turn 2  rest of my vehicles destroyed and I  conceded as behind on victory points. I didn’t  really have a chance in this one.


No point entering with  a fluffy list as all  armies present were brutal multiple super heavy tanks , knights and dodgy Eldar.

I should forgotten the close combat style of Templar play and just use d multiple lascannons

At least all my stuff was painted

3 colour minimum should prevail