Squarebashing Day 2018

Squarebashing 2018 is to be held on Saturday 23rd June 2018, at Battlefieldhobbies in Daventry.

It will be a team event (entries permitting). The armies are divided into 2 Pools. In each team – one player plays allies, the other central powers. I have added forces from the Russian Civil War that are dated 1918+. I have added 2 neutral armies that can be fielded on the either side. Game pairings will ‘historical’ were possible, and avoid ‘same club’ where possible

The lists and statuses are

There will be 2 games, Team against Team (Allies vs Central Powers). For each game the sum of each team score will be added to the team total. The army points are 620pts (standard game)

To encourage using under valued armies the sum total of army rating will be deducted from final score.

The terrain will be pre set , other than that, its RAW. You have the option to use the ‘Rays Stick’ method for countdown to battle. There will be no trench, canal or fort games. All painted figures please, we want it to look nice!

Any questions can be raised to me at Simon@lurkio.co.uk or via the RFCM forum

Tickets can be purchased using here

Can you please purchase tickets promptly , just so the venue has an idea on the lunch requirements.

Tickets: £12.50 including lunch

Date: Saturday 23rd June 2018

Battlefield Hobbies
17 Brunel Close
NN11 8BR

Event Schedule
09.00-09.25 – Players arrive, welcome.
09:30-12.30 – Games One.
12.30-13:30 – Buffet lunch supplied.
13.30-16.30 – Game Two