Mortem et Gloriam

The journey begins ….  Mortem et Gloriam is out on Monday July 18th at  The shop and the Ancients Zone will go live at midday.  I am very pleased with the end result and hope you will like it as well.  It has taken a little longer but is better for it.  We look forward to welcoming you to the site.

The rules are available for purchase from the store.  With the very special 300 Spartans offer where the starter set is £10 off at £39.95 and you get a lifetime subscription so you will never ever pay for a single army list!!  Also on the site you can buy the booster pack which has he card holder players have been enjoying, a set of purple MeG markers and a second set of dice to make things even easier.  This bundle is £5 below the prices of the individual items.

Deliveries will begin to go out in about a weeks time.  Priority deliveries will be given to anyone who has signed up for the first open competition at Britcon [BHGS, UMIST Manchester] on August 12-14.  There were 13 players signed up before launch – so if you are not yet signed up do come along and join the fun! Plenty of help for inexperienced players and a nice prize for the best non-tester result.  You can find the details at the BHGS website


In the DOWNLOADABLE TUTORIAL PDF section you will find the first pdfs showing you a game between Rome and Carthage to give you a quick feel for how it works.  Additional files will be added over the coming months to take the game to a finale.

In the ARMY BUILDER AND ARMIES section there is the launch ARMY BUILDER to download for use with the latest army lists.  You will also find around 10 example armies from my recent games – some from testing in the later periods.  More of these ready to play armies will be added in the coming weeks.

In the ARMY LIST section you have an index of 89 armies for our opening period The Dominance of Greece and Rome – the Classical period.  Crafted by Richard Jeffrey-Cook and developed by the list team these come as 9 PDFs showing the evolution of armies in different geographic regions.  So lots to choose from for Britcon and beyond already.

In HISTORICAL REFIGHTS AND SCENARIOS you will find the first of each series.  The refight is a MeG version of the Battle of Ruspina 46BC between Caesar and the Numidians where Caesar barely survived envelopment. Its a real challenge to play it well.  The first scenario is called Moonlight Mayhem and is a dawn attack on a poorly camped army.  More of these will be loaded over the coming months.

In the CAMPAIGNS section you will find a campaign setting for the Roman Slave Wars from Simon “Lurkio” Clarke with suggestions of how to play any of the three revolts – so including the famous third with Spartacus!

In the TOURNAMENT ORGANISER RESOURCES section you will find the current suggested points for competitions of different types, downloadable score sheets and a spreadsheet for tracking points.  I am hoping several clubs will organise 3 game one-day competitions – go on give it a go!

The HALL OF CHAMPIONS has all the winners of MeG competitions so far and the latest ranking system – 2016 really being a bit of fun between testers.  It can all get much more serious for 2017 and Paul Cummins has kindly offered to run the rankings going forward.

The end of a two year initial development journey but just the very beginning of what I hope will be a much longer playing era, where a much wider community will be involved in developing the game and items around it.   I very much hope you enjoy Mortem et Gloriam.  I look forward to seeing you some of you at Britcon 2016 in August for the first main competition.  Best wishes to all.  …..   Ad Mortem et Gloriam